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Energy Transition

Energy Transition Advocating for 100% renewables, energy savings and fossil fuels phase-out Energy transition vision Renewables Energy savings Gas Coal Buildings Heating Energy Charter Treaty Energy transition vision Energy transition

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Western Balkans & Turkey

Europe in transition Advancing sustainable energy in EU’s neighbouring countries Western Balkans Turkey Western Balkans Western Balkans The Western Balkans region has committed to decarbonise and reach climate neutrality by

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Campaigns Together for 1.5 #EnergySuperheroes Together for 100% Renewable Europe Renewables Heating Campaign Anti-Energy Charter Treaty Beyond Fossil Fuels Coalition for Higher Ambition Unify Past Campaigns Together for 1.5 The

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Climate action

Climate action Bolstering EU climate ambition to reach the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement Climate target Effort sharing Emissions trading Industrial transformation Climate plans and laws Emission reduction pathways

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Stop the anti-climate agreement!

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a huge obstacle for the clean energy transition. Demand from European governments to withdraw! Please note that if you want to send a message from

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Stop the anti-climate agreement!

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a huge obstacle for the clean energy transition. We therefore demand from European governments, parliaments and EU institutions: “Pull out of the Energy Charter Treaty

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