Letter to Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on trade barriers on solar panels
In this letter CAN Europe, E3G, EKOenergy, Greenpeace and WWF urge Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, to end the trade measures on imported solar
In this letter CAN Europe, E3G, EKOenergy, Greenpeace and WWF urge Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, to end the trade measures on imported solar
New infographic published by Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe today shows the huge discrepancy between what companies have to pay for carbon pollution under the
Ahead of the ECOFIN Council on October 11th 2016, Climate Action Network Europe sent the following letter to climate ministers calling for ambitious climate finance.
Climate Action Network Europe co-signed a letter to the board members of the Green Climate Fund calling for categorical exclusion of export credit agencies (ECA).
EU financial institutions and funds channel billions of euros into fossil fuel projects, while EU policies and laws allow for yet more public money to
CAN Europe sent the following letter to European Commission President Juncker & European Council President Tusk and CC: EU-28 Heads of State & Government ahead of the
CAn Europe co-signed the following letter to President Junker on LULUCF and the starting Point in the non-ETS sectors.
CAN Europe and ETUC sent the following letter to the Slovakian Minister Solymos and Vice-President Šefcovic ahead of the Informal Environment Council on 12-13 July 2016, where the
CAN Europe sent the following letter to Energy Ministers ahead of the Informal Environment Council on 12-13 July 2016
CAN Europe sent the following letter to Energy Ministers ahead of the Informal Energy Council on 12-13 July 2016