Building a green industry within planetary boundaries
The Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP), and proposals for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and a Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR) are presented as drivers for the EU’s ambitions and
The Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP), and proposals for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and a Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR) are presented as drivers for the EU’s ambitions and
As many pieces of legislation try to organise industry’s transition, CAN Europe proposes its vision for a better planned transition, taking people and the environment at its heart. The
Unprecedented levels of global energy price increase and volatility due to the EU’s systemic dependence on fossil gas started surfacing by the end of 2021. In order to shield consumers
Hydrogen has been proclaimed for some time now as a transitional fuel from fossil gas to sustainable renewables, especially in the last months with the fossil fuel crisis and geopolitics
On February 1st 2023, the European Commission is expected to propose a 4 pillar response to the US’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which will be discussed at the upcoming
PRESS RELEASE Majority vote in favour of gas operators in charge of designing hydrogen infrastructure undermines infrastructure plans for the much needed transition to really sustainable renewables, especially in the
The 20th Ministerial Council of the Energy Community took place on 15th December 2022, which takes on additional significance given the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. The
MEDIA ADVISORY The EU can’t afford an own goal: policy makers should look to score on bolder climate ambition as the final whistle is about to bring key legislative proposals
To: Ambassadors of Permanent Representatives of Member States to the EU From: CEE Bankwatch Network, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Just Finance Subject: CSO letter in the light of Tirana
The EU will sign a MoU on renewable hydrogen with Egypt, while having already signed one with Namibia last week, and is about to sign one on hydrogen only with
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CAN Europe empowers civil society organisations to influence the design and development of effective climate change policy in Europe, both in the European Union as well as in its Member States and in European countries outside the EU.
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