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Climate proof recommendations for the revision of the security of supply framework

The European Commission’s ongoing Energy Security Fitness Check revising the Security of Gas Supply Regulation and the Electricity Risk Preparedness Regulation presents a unique opportunity to address the dual challenge…

CAN Europe Reaction to the Vision for Agriculture and Food

Today, the European Commission launched its long-awaited Vision for Agriculture and Food. This comes at a time when Europe’s agricultural and food sectors are grappling with, and contributing to, the…

CAN Europe's key asks on Affordable Energy Action Plan

Energy prices in the EU are higher than in other regions and pose a risk to competitiveness, as highlighted in the Draghi report. They also affect households and citizens, who…

CAN Europe position on Clean Industrial Deal

At Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, we believe the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal must ensure that European industries lead in the transition to a sustainable economic model—one that generates social…

CAN Europe views on the Vision for Agriculture and Food

CAN Europe has written to Commissioner Hansen and Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra on how the upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food must show how to move towards a comprehensive just agroecological…

Europe is staying the course - it’s time for a new plan under the Paris Agreement

Written by James Trinder, additional content by Frosina Antonovska & Özlem Katisöz At the World Economic Forum, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reminded us that “The Paris Agreement continues…

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About us_

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. We promote sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.

Belgium, Germany, Poland and Turkey
4 offices


CAN Europe works to prevent dangerous climate change and promotes sustainable climate and energy policy in Europe. CAN Europe is part of a worldwide network of more than 1,300 NGOs: CAN International.

The wider and better-informed group we are, the stronger our voice!

In 40 European countries

200 member organisations

We are Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change