EU Elections Results: New Parliament. Same Planet.

Latest news_

60th Bonn Intersessionals: Climate finance dominates, mitigation of emissions goes unheard

Written by: James Trinder, International Climate Policy Coordinator Emilia Runeberg, Climate and Development Policy Coordinator  Last November, consensus at COP28 was hailed as a “historic” break-through with parties committing to…

Discussion Paper: Economy of Tomorrow

This paper builds upon CAN Europe strategy for changemaking in times of crisis, which commits us “to work to engender systemic change in the global economy to ensure a sustainable…

National Energy and Climate Plans for European countries WANTED

Brussels, 25th of June 2024 – Amidst a politically charged post-election landscape, European countries have until June 30th to submit their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) with only a…

Reality Check: Final NECPs to Reveal Genuine Climate Action

On June 30, Member States have to submit the final revision of their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. This deadline risks being neglected by the…

Input to the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

The „new strategic agenda 2024-2029′ must set out the priority areas that will steer the work of the European Council and provide guidance for the work programmes of other EU…

LETTER to European Parliament Group Leaders

Following the result of the European Election, CAN Europe has joined the ‘Green 10’ (a group of leading climate and environmental organisations active on the EU level) in writing to…

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About us_

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. We promote sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.

Belgium, Germany, Poland and Turkey
4 offices


CAN Europe works to prevent dangerous climate change and promotes sustainable climate and energy policy in Europe. CAN Europe is part of a worldwide network of more than 1,300 NGOs: CAN International.

The wider and better-informed group we are, the stronger our voice!

In 40 European countries

200 member organisations

We are Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change