CAN Europe evaluation of the Commission’s proposal on non-ETS emissions for 2021-2030

CAN Europe has done a first analyisis of the Commission’s proposal on non-ETS emissions for 2021-2030. 

The Commission’s proposal on non-ETS emissions for 2021-2030 is weak because:

  • The overall target is too weak. It neither matches what is needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, nor enables to reach the mitigation potential that is available.
  • The emissions level set for the starting point in 2021 is too high.
  • Three loopholes further water down the targets by 421 million tonnes.

Nine countries could increase their emissions from current levels. On the whole, the EU is expected to overshoot its 30% non-ETS target if it simply meets its (weak) targets for energy efficiency and renewable energy. To make the ESR effective, the following changes need to be introduced:

  • A higher 2030 target: it should be raised from -30% to at least -45% for the non-ETS sectors and a ratchet-up mechanism to increase targets every five years, starting from 2018 should be created.
  • A lower 2021 starting point: Member States should each have a starting point that is most stringent given their projected emissions and their 2020 target.
  • Loopholes should to be eliminated.

CAN Europe Evaluation of Commission ESR Proposal for non-ETS sectors 4Sept16

See also:  CAN Europe Evaluation of Commission ESR Proposal for non-ETS sectors 4Sept16