Briefing: Key priorities for the new EU long term climate strategy

The Paris Agreement calls upon all its signatories to communicate “long term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies” by 2020, which is the same deadline for when countries will have to re-submit their short term climate targets (NDCs).

The EU has, as part of a G7 statement of 2017 committed to submit its own long term strategy well ahead of the 2020 deadline.

On March 22 Heads of State and Government of all EU 28 member states unanimously called upon the European Commission to develop and present a draft long term climate strategy for the EU by end March 2019 latest:

“The European Council invites the Commission to present by the first quarter of 2019 a proposal for a Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction in accordance with the Paris Agreement, taking into account the national plans.”

To be ‘in accordance with the Paris Agreement’ the new EU long term strategy will have to set out how to scale up climate action from incremental to transformational, for all sectors and across the whole economy.

This briefing paper provides the key priorities of the CAN Europe Network for the new EU long term strategy. The priorities revolve around three main pillars: Ambition; Political issues beyond the modelling exercise; and Improved modelling.

Download our briefing here:
CAN Europe briefing paper A new EU long term climate strategy