NGO briefing on the revision of the Trans-European energy infrastructure regulation

As Europe’s energy system transitions, its infrastructure needs are also changing. The need to reflect higher climate and energy targets, to accelerate the phase out of all fossil fuels, and build out of renewable energy, the role of decentralised technologies and the need to support a more democratically-owned energy system are new features of the changing landscape. It is imperative that the trans-European energy infrastructure (TEN-E) regulation is revised to reflect these new realities and supports the European energy transition. This briefing explains why the revised TEN-E regulation must exclude fossil gas projects while mentioning issues that are also relevant for electricity projects.

Key demands

● The future TEN-E regulation must fully cater for a future- and climate-proof energy system based on the energy efficiency first principle and 100% renewable energy, expanding its scope far beyond transmission infrastructure.

● The future TEN-E regulation must exclude any infrastructure projects directly or indirectly supporting or depending on fossil fuels and projects that are not in line with nature protection.

● The future TEN-E regulation and energy infrastructure planning must be transparent and fully free from any conflict of interest and be based on data, scenarios and assessments by an independent body.

NGO briefing TEN E revision