73% of Germans support an increase of the EU’s 2020 emission reductions target to 30%

Today Germanwatch, a CAN Europe member, published results of a public opinion poll which found that 73% of Germans support an increase of the EU’s 2020 emission reductions target to 30%, which is one of the structural options proposed by the Commission to review the flagging EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).


Three quarters of respondents want Chancellor Angela Merkel to intensively engage in the negotiations with the Polish government, who is persistently resisting the adoption of a more ambitious EU’s climate target. The poll, commissioned by Germanwatch and conducted by the TNS Emnid polling institute, shows that German society supports stronger climate action and wants Chancellor Angela Merkel to lead the EU towards ambitious action on climate.

These findings are published on the same day that Germanwatch and six big German and European companies have released a declaration calling on the German government to support fix of the EU’s carbon market. Alstom, EnBW, E.ON, Otto, Puma and Shell urged the German decision makers to support the so called “back-loading” proposal as well as ETS’ structural reform, including permanent cancellation of emission allowances and a steeper emission reductions trajectory.

While Germany officially backs the EU’s 30% climate target, its government – blocked by a smaller coalition partner, FDP party – is one of a few that hasn’t yet decided whether to support Commission’s back-loading proposal, a first step toward broader ETS reform and increase of the EU’s climate ambition

CAN Europe and Germanwatch are calling on the German government to turn its words into action: support back-loading and help to structurally reform the EU’s carbon market, through an increase of the Europe’s climate target to 30%.

See Alstom, EnBW, E.ON, Otto, Puma, Shell and Germanwatch
Alstom, EnBW, E.ON, Otto, Puma, Shell and Germanwatch declaration (in German)

See the results of the results of TNS Emnid poll (in German)


Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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