After suspending the financing of the new 1GW Ostroleka C coal plant, Polish utilities should cancel the project altogether

Yesterday evening the Polish utility companies Energa SA (Energa) and Enea S.A. (Enea) behind the project to build what has been called Poland’s “last (new) coal-fired power plant”, the 1GW Ostroleka C, decided to suspend financing of the project in recognition of changes that have all but evaporated its feasibility through the shedding of coal and coal finance from European Union’s future of climate neutrality and renewable energy (1). 

Whilst the decision does not stop the construction works on the site it is, nevertheless, an important step that signals the economic futility of continuing the build.

“Finally, a sensible decision,” said Joanna Flisowska, Senior Coal Policy Coordinator at Climate Actions Network – CAN Europe. “This is a long-awaited decision that recognises the fact that a climate-neutral Europe leaves no room for coal. It’s an important signal that in Poland, despite all efforts to keep it going, the curtain is about to close on coal – the most polluting of fossil fuels. The project should now be canceled altogether and replaced with renewables to ensure a transition that’s both swift in response to the ongoing climate crisis and just for the affected workers and communities.”



Joanna Joanna Flisowska, Senior Coal Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe, Mob +48 698 693 170, 

Stevan Vujasinovć, Communications Coordinator, CAN Europe, Mob +381 63 390 218,



Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. With over 160 member organisations from 35 European countries, representing over 1.700 NGOs and more than 47 million citizens, CAN Europe promotes sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.