In a report CAN Europe and WWF present an assessment of 12 National Allocation Plans (NAPs) for Phase II of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS): Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom.
These countries’ emissions cover over three quarters of overall EU-27 emissions, therefore the development of their NAPs is a key indicator for the future of EU emissions trends in the industry and power sectors. If NAPs are strict, representative of the covered sectors’ contribution to climate change, and pursue a clear reduction in emissions, then the EU is on the right track towards complying with Kyoto commitments and achieving at least 30 per cent greenhouse gas reductions by 2020. If NAPs are weak, climate suffers and EU industry is stuck in the same old inefficient production pattern, neither achieving a competitive edge nor becoming more independent from fossil energy imports.
Download: Assessment of key National Allocation Plans for Phase II of the ETS