We’re always excited to see people exploring the idea of membership. We are convinced that the climate and ecological crises require deep collaboration across societies, and civil society has a major role to play in building bridges, forming alliances and working together to ensure a future for all.
We also believe that Climate Action Network Europe is a fundamental building block in that process of interconnecting organisations and raising our collective voice. Strengthening the Network is a constant process and we have a dedicated Secretariat committed to bringing Brussels to you and your voice and work to Brussels.
Our diverse and growing Network is a testament to the benefits and rewards of collective objectives and collaborative working structures – every member plays a part in the development of the Network and there is a space for your organisation as well.
CAN Europe Membership is open to non-governmental/community-based non-profit organisations, situated in Europe, which have an interest in the promotion of sustainable development and are active in, or have a focus on, climate change issues. CAN members have administrative independence and pursue their own mandates, organisational aims and objectives.
For more info download the Application Package and the Application-Form-Membership.
You can also read the CAN Europe Statutes and the CAN Charter (published by CAN International) for network rules and guiding principles for network governance.
Have any questions?
Contact our Network Development Coordinator, Joe Inwood at joe-inwood/at/caneurope.org.
You’re joining the leading European and worldwide NGO network on climate change.
You can link your national work with the European policy agenda, ensuring European policies push your national work forward.
You can participate in our regular workshops and webinars on climate and energy related topics.
You can join CAN Europe and International daily meetings during the UNFCCC sessions, the worldwide negotiations on climate change.
You can participate in our General Assemblies; 2 days of intensive exchange and input on the different EU policy topics and strategizing held twice a year, in spring and autumn.
You can connect with other people working on the same issues, exchange ideas and best practices with them. You can participate in joint lobby efforts.
Your work is supported by the CAN Europe secretariat. This includes policy briefings, communication packages and letters to ministers and Members of the European Parliament.
You have access to CAN Europe email lists. These provide a rich source of information on topics such as EU climate policy, renewable energy, energy savings, fossil fuel subsidies and the UNFCCC.
We are here to answer all your questions
CAN Europe Headquarters
Mundo B
Rue d’Edimbourg 26
1050, Brussels
Tel: +32 (0) 28944670
CAN Europe empowers civil society organisations to influence the design and development of effective climate change policy in Europe, both in the European Union as well as in its Member States and in European countries outside the EU.
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