Briefing on Climate Change and Financing for Sustainable Development

Global transition

The aim of this paper is to highlight both the importance and the potential of the Finance for sustainable Development (FFsD) process in advancing global efforts to tackle climate change. At present, FFsD does not specifically address climate change among or through the issues and mechanisms that are being discussed within the process – namely international public finance, domestic resource mobilisation (tax and private capital), international private finance, trade, and debt and systemic issues that form the Monterrey Consensus on FFD at the basis of the Addis Ababa Accord.

Briefing on Climate Change and Financing for Sustainable Development



EU Parliament Scoreboard​: Protectors, Procrastinators & Prehistoric Thinkers

New in-depth data research from five leading climate and environment organisations reveals that only a minority of MEPs during the 2019 – 2024 mandate acted to protect Europe’s climate, nature and air quality. The majority of MEPs acted instead as either procrastinators or prehistoric thinkers, delaying real action with patchy and inconsistent voting records, or worse, completely failing to rise to the challenge of the crises Europe is facing.

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