Past campaigns - CAN Europe

Cost of Coal in Turkey

Behind the notion of “externalities”, the often overlooked, real costs of coal power production are paid with human life, social, economic and cultural assets, ecosystem destruction and climate change. With its coal production facilities and three coal-fired power plants, the province of Muğla in Turkey has become an open-air laboratory that exposes the impacts and dangers of coal, and reveals its alternatives.

CAN Europe conducted a comprehensive study that indicates that we can put an end to the costs that are generally defined as “externalities” and disregarded in the coal-based energy production policies and investments, pointing out to available alternatives.

Raporu buradan indirin: Kömürün Gerçek Bedeli – Muğla

Full report in English: The Real Costs of Coal Muğla_Full Report_Final

For more information:


EU Cash Awards

The EU’s recovery package, combined with its 2021-2027 EU budget totals € 1.8 trillions and is the largest financial package ever (in the EU) and aims to stimulate the economy during the ongoing pandemic. At the same time EU’s financial support should go for implementing the objectives of the EU Green Deal in tackling the climate crisis and building more sustainable, resilient societies and economies.

The EU Cash Awards campaign, looks at how Member States and regions are planning to use the available funding through a whole range of plans they have to develop to get access to EU funding, namely the Structural Funds, the Just Transition Fund, and the Recovery and Resilience funds.

Based on draft plans published by governments, or leaked documents, the EU Cash Awards Campaign highlights good, bad and ugly measures in these spending plans. The campaign aims to encourage Member States, regions, and the European Commission to take decisive steps in the finalisation of these spending plans by excluding all climate and environmental harmful measures and promoting solutions to tackle the climate and environmental crises.

The next step of the EU cash awards campaign is to put all measures to a public vote to identify the top good, bad and ugly measures elected by Europeans that Member States try to finance through the EU purse. The results of the public voting will be announced in an Awards Ceremony on 29 April.

Visit the campaign website:


People’s Climate Case

People’s Climate Case is initiated by ten families from Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Kenya, Fiji, and the Saami Youth Association Sáminuorra whose homes, livelihoods, traditional family occupation and culture are affected by climate change. In this historic climate case, they are taking the EU institutions to court to protect their fundamental rights and to prevent dangerous climate change.

The plaintiffs are accompanied by a broad range of NGOs, scientists and citizens who firmly believe that the EU can and must be more ambitious regarding its 2030 climate target. The scientists from the scientific think tank Climate Analytics provide interdisciplinary scientific background to the People’s Climate Case to show clear evidence on how the families are impacted by climate change and indicate what is doable to further reduce emissions far beyond the current EU’s climate target.

Climate Action Network, Europe’s largest NGO coalition working on climate and energy issues, with over 170 member organisations in more than 38 European countries, representing over 1500 NGOs, is also supporting this courageous action of plaintiff families and recognises the urgency to act for protecting their fundamental rights.

Visit People’s Climate Case website.


Clean up the industry

We are on a mission to avert climate change – and that means cutting carbon. But did you know that the EU law that regulates industrial pollution does not address carbon and climate change? We need to change this.

Factories, power plants, intensive livestock rearing and refineries produce more than half of EU carbon emissions. We need strong laws on what comes out of factory chimneys and power plant smokestacks. Rules like these will be game-changers for our lungs and for the planet.

And the Industrial Emissions Directive is crucial for this!

Sign the petition:


Tell the EU Commission: No support for fossil gas!

The EU should not continue spending hundreds of millions of Euros of tax-payers money into expanding fossil gas pipelines when the aim should be for our energy system to become 100% renewables based.

The EU Commission is drafting its fifth priority list (the “PCI list”) for energy infrastructure projects that should get access to EU funding and benefit of an accelerated implementation. 74 fossil gas mega-projects applied for a spot on this list, but none of these projects must get any EU support, because of multiple reasons. Read more about the projects and the specific issues we identified here.

The main discredit is that fossil gas is a climate-wrecking fossil fuel and cannot play a role in our future energy system if we want to keep dangerous climate change at bay. Burning fossil gas does not only emit carbon dioxide but also methane, which has a climate impact that is 86 times higher than CO2 and hence makes tackling fossil gas an important element of any actions that address the climate urgency. Supporting fossil gas projects means losing precious time and money, while we need to go for a 100% renewables based energy system with energy efficiency at its heart.

The European Commission has promised several times that the next and current PCI list will be made “European Green Deal compatible”. However, alignment with the European Green Deal also means that the PCI list cannot include any fossil gas projects. We need real proof and real actions for that promise to be credible.

Until 8 April you have the chance to have your say!

Tell the EU Commission that no fossil gas project should be included on the priority list by signing the petition!

Read our policy briefing here.

Sign the petition here.

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