CAN Europe Position on the revised Renewable Energy Directive and Electricity Market Design

The revision of the Renewable Energy Directive and of the electricity market design represents a great opportunity to foster the further development of renewable energy in the European Union for the decades to come and to make the market ‘fit for renewables’.

The Renewable Energy Directive has had a critical impact on increasing the share of renewable energy and therefore also on cost reductions of renewable energy in the European Union. Among the determining success factors were the establishment and implementation of national binding targets, as well as the provision of a stable, reliable and predictable overall framework for renewable energy development. 

At the moment, rules governing the electricity market are out-dated and fit large, old-fashioned, fossil fuel and nuclear power stations. They do not reflect the fact that variable renewable energy generation plays an increasing role and that rules need to enable customers to self-generate, self-consume, store energy and engage in demand-side management.

Overall, CAN Europe believes that the European Commission’s proposals, like the rest of the legislative proposals included in the ‘Clean Energy for All’ package, are not consistent with the Paris Agreement, which requires an immediate overhaul of EU climate and energy policies.

The attached document presents key views of CAN Europe on the shortcomings of the proposals and makes recommendations on how they can be improved by the European Parliament and the Council.

CAN Europe position on the revised Renewable Energy Directive and Electricity Market Design




Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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