CAN Europe’s answers to Frequently asked Questions about Governance

This FAQ addresses some of the questions and comments that might arise when discussing governance and CAN Europe’s position on it.

The Governance Regulation brings together planning and reporting obligations EU Member States (MS) have on climate and energy issues under one supposedly coherent framework. This centralisation is the opportunity to achieve better policy integration and track progress on implementation of climate and energy policies. This in turn can support increased climate ambition and a faster energy transition, if the legislation is done right. However, a lot of work remains to be done for this regulation to become the transition framework it has the potential to be. This FAQ addresses some of the questions and comments that might arise when discussing governance and CAN Europe’s position on it. For a more general overview of what the regulation is, see our briefing “Five things you should know about Energy Union Governance”. All details of what CAN Europe advocates for can be found in our position paper.

CAN Europe’s answers to Frequently asked Questions about Governance.pdf