Contribution to the Global Environment Facility’s 7th replenishment process

CAN Europe together with Transparency International is representing the developed country CSO network towards the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) which funds environment, climate and sustainability projects all over the world.

The GEF Council will hold its first meeting of 2017 in Paris on March 29 – 30. The meeting will discuss the Fund’s policy programmes proposed from 2018 -2022. This discussion happens on the backdrop of the Fund’s recognition of the changing realities affecting the global commons, environmental governance and finance. This requires the GEF to embrace a refreshed approach to address the growing and increasingly interrelated environmental challenges that our planet faces.

In preparation for the meeting, CAN Europe and Transparency International coordinated the CSO network in developed countries to provide our reflections, reactions and recommendations to the future outlook and programming of the GEF.

Stakeholder Submission GEF 7 Replenishment