COP28: Reaction to EU leaders’ statements at World Climate Action Summit

COPs| Global transition

Dubai, 1st December 2023 – Today, world leaders presented their commitments at the World Climate Action Summit during COP28. Representing the EU, European Commission President von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel took the floor, alongside national heads of state and government.

Reacting to the EU’s declaration, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe Director Chiara Martinelli commented:

“The pledges confirmed by European Commission President von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel at today’s World Climate Action Summit demonstrate the EU’s commitment to getting the Loss and Damage Fund up and running. While the EU’s collective commitment of USD 270 million so far, with significant contributions of EUR 100 million from Germany and EUR 100 million from Italy is a positive step, it falls short in the face of the escalating costs of climate change. People cannot and must not bear the cost of the climate crisis on their own. To meaningfully address the extensive losses and damages globally, estimated in the range of hundreds of billions USD and shouldered by the most vulnerable, the next crucial step is to ensure a substantial fill for the fund. The EU and its member states must drastically top up their commitments to the Loss and Damage Fund, pledging billions of euros in new and additional finance in line with their historical responsibility. 

We welcome von der Leyen’s call to phase out fossil fuels and set global targets for 2030 to triple renewables and double energy efficiency. It is critical that all these declarations do not remain mere words. It’s time for the EU to walk the talk and  leverage its diplomatic influence to ensure that all three critical goals are explicitly reflected in the final COP decisions and lead to tangible follow-up actions.”

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