Don’t cap renewables and efficiency

Call from renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental associations

The European Council’s guidance from last year for 2030 targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency falls far short of the EU’s potentials.

Without tapping those potentials, the EU will miss out on major benefits for the economy, employment, energy security and climate action. Ending the historic bias towards fossil fuels requires higher ambition on energy efficiency and renewables.

Renewables are already the fastest growing power source around the world. The renewables industry had already created 1.2 million direct and indirect jobs by 2012 and could represent as many as 3.4 million jobs in 2030 in the EU [1]. Like European Commissioner President Jean-Claude Juncker, we want Europe to become the world number one in renewable energies.

Meanwhile, tapping the EU’s cost-effective potential for energy efficiency, which stands at 40% by 2030,would cut gas imports by 40%, increase GDP by 4.45% [2] and – coupled with more renewables – allow Europe to deliver well beyond 50% greenhouse gas emissions cuts in 2030 [3].

Europe can’t afford to miss out on these benefits.

That is why upcoming EU legislation must be used to meet the full potentials of renewables and efficiency. Policymakers must recognise that the energy efficiency first principle and renewable energy are complementary to each other and will reduce energy costs for consumers and businesses. Both are needed to ensure a secure and sustainable energy future in line with the EU’s long-term climate commitments.

We mustn’t cap potential.



[1] Ragwitz et al (2009). EmployRES: The impact of renewable energy policy on economic growth and employment in the EU, FraunhoferISl, Munich.
[2] European Commission, Energy Efficiency Communication – impact assessment, 2014
[3] Ecofys,The EU Parliament’s 2030 resolution could achieve emissions reductions of up to 54%, 2014


List of suporters:

The Coalition for Energy Savings:

The Coalition for Energy Savings brings together business, professionals, local authorities, trade unions and civil society associations. The Coalition’s purpose is to make the case for a European energy policy that places a much greater, more meaningful emphasis on energy efficiency and savings. Coalition members represent more than 400 associations, 150 companies, 15 million supporters, more than 2 million employees, 1,000 cities and towns in 30 countries in Europe.

The Renewable Energy Associations:
European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)
European Solar Thermal Electricity Association (ESTELA)
European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF)
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
Ocean Energy Europe

Climate and Environment NGOs:
Climate Action Network Europe and its members and partners, including:
-European Environmental Bureau
-Friends of the Earth Europe
-Greenpeace EU unit
-WWF European Policy Office
European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS)
Food & Water Europe