EU governments’ positions would stifle renewable energy revolution

Today EU Energy Ministers have adopted their positions on four legislative proposals under the Clean Energy Package, which will guide the EU’s energy transition in the coming decade and beyond.

Turning their backs on the Paris Agreement, the ministers opted for a feeble renewable energy target, lax rules for ensuring that all EU countries contribute to the energy transition and massive coal subsidies in the EU’s power market.

*** Print quality images from the media stunt organized by the NGOs on 18 December available at:

Commenting on the results of the meeting, Wendel Trio, Director of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe said:

“EU governments propose to stifle and postpone the bloc’s renewable energy revolution. Their response to the need to shift away from fossil fuels to a fully renewable energy system is hopelessly inadequate and could result in a tragic failure to limit climate change. The EU’s credibility on climate action will be in tatters unless the laws are significantly improved during the negotiations with the European Parliament.”

The ministers opted for a 27% target, which would hold back renewable energy growth in the EU. They failed to acknowledge that it should be raised to at least 45% to be consistent with the Paris Agreement.

The EU governments’ position on the governance of the Energy Union lacks teeth to drive investments in renewables and energy efficiency. The position on the market design opens the door to allowing massive coal subsidies in the new EU power market rules.



Ania Drazkiewicz, CAN Europe Communications Coordinator,, +32 494 525 738


[1] CAN Europe’s media advisory ahead of the meeting: