Week I | 22 – 26 November

Monday 22 November

Rewriting the climate change script: How to communicate complex issues that resonate with a wide audience
How can the climate movement use new and innovative ways of reaching people to ensure the message is heard without repeating the same old record?! Communication takes center stage at this creative and interactive training session, where you will learn how content can be adapted to reach new audiences using tools such as stories and innovative approaches.
Time (CET)
10 – 12
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(registration deadline Nov 18!!)
Alena Khoperskova (Takie dela)


Lobbying for the FF55
Fit For 55 legislation aim to align the EU’s core climate and energy legislation with the new 2030 climate target, cutting net emissions to at least 55% compared to 1990. In this workshop, we will go over the basics of the EU co-decision procedure from the perspective of the main files CAN Europe is working on, covering our policy coordinators, aspects such as tools (i.e. policy tracker) and main positions, so members are better equipped when lobbying
for the FF55.
Time (CET)
16 – 18
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Marc-Olivier Herman (EUchangers)
Klaus Röhrig & Verena Bax (CAN Europe)


Tuesday 23 November

Resilience and wellbeing : Dealing with Eco-Anxiety
More and more people are feeling anxious, exhausted, upset, pressured, or sad in their circles of activism. In this workshop, we’ll work on how activism moves us, as well as the ways in which it can burn us out and cause damage. Collectively, we’ll build care and resilience strategies to ensure we’re looking after ourselves and our community.
Time (CET)
10 – 13
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(registration deadline Nov 18!!)
Pablo Chamorro (Greenpeace International)


How  to phase out fossil gas: looking at the upcoming gas package and public and private funding streams 
This event will take place in the form of two successive workshop discussions. The first one being on the upcoming Gas Package and its needed reform both in terms of decreasing fossil gas consumption in the EU but also specifically in terms of fossil gas use in heating and the second one on greenwashing of gas and how it is being labelled as a green and sustainable transition fuel able to mobilise private finances (taxonomy) and public funds.
Time (CET)
14 – 16
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Tara Connolly (Global Witness)
Jaume Loffredo (BEUC)
Jörg Muehlenhoff
(CAN Europe)
Olivier Vardakoulias, Marta Anczweska & Isabelle Brachet (TBC)
(CAN Europe)
Giuseppe Costanzo & Esther Bollendorf
(CAN Europe)


Wednesday 24 November

How can the EGD implementation contribute to social justice?
This is an external event where social justice organisations will be invited
Climate policies must include a social-justice dimension. Failure to design socially just polices will hit the most vulnerable, raise fears of adverse social impacts and potentially help the fossil fuel lobby. This panel discussion will serve as a platform to open the debate and compare thoughts and ideas on how to strike a balance between these issues with social
justice actors.
Time (CET)
10 – 11.30
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Wojciech Sewczyk (Joint Research Centre, EC)
Sabrina Iannazone (European Anti-Poverty Network)
Sanna Markannen (Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership)
 Radostina Primova (Center for the Study of Democracy)
Chair : Chiara Martinelli (CAN Europe)


What are CAN Europe members doing on gender? Showcase
Gender mainstreaming is gaining more round in many organisation and movements. The aim of this panel discussion is to provide a space to showcase gender-focused work done by various organisations, allowing other members to learn from, contribute to and be inspired by the conversation.
Time (CET)
16.30 – 17.30
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Anke Stock (WECF)
Maja Bajic (Center for the Environment, BiH)
Muratcan Isildak (Genç Düsünce Enstitüsü, TR)
Sara López (Ecologistas en Acción, ES)
Chair: Lidija Živčič (Focus, SI)


Thursday 25 November

Vision and Strategy Session I
This first session will focus on stock-taking on our progress as a Network as well as hearing perspectives from members on the vision and strategy of CAN Europe. The objective of the session will be to construct a robust reflection space in order to set the scene for planning the processes for a new vision and strategy.
Time (CET)
10 – 12
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Network Team
(CAN Europe)


Vision and Strategy Session II
This second session will focus on the concrete steps that CAN Europe must take to ensure a bottom-up process for rethinking our vision and strategy. The objective of the session will be to collectively agree the key building blocks for a successful year-long process to finalise a new 5-year vision and strategy.
Time (CET)
14 – 16
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Network Team
(CAN Europe)


Friday 26 November

Individual Action in a Fossil-Fuelled System – Building a Narrative on Sustainable Lifestyles
Following on from our first workshop in September, this workshop builds on the discussions of “ideal” green lifestyles, with a bottom-up approach aimed at sharing experiences and ideas to find ways forward and develop a CAN Europe narrative within the new Lifestyle work strand.
Time (CET)
10 – 11
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Adam Leckius, Rachel Brabbins & Samuel Martín-Sosa
(CAN Europe)


Deep dive into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) is currently being reviewed. This workshop will cover CAN Europe’s priorities for the ETS review, current political interests and the upcoming legislative process, followed by a Q&A and discussion.
Time (CET)
14 – 15.30
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Klaus Röhrig
(CAN Europe)


Week II | 29 November – 2 December

Monday 29 November

Industry and Sustainable Production
Industry-related policy tools could protect industry in different ways (ETS, CBAM, SPI and IED), and achieving climate neutrality must remain a priority. This workshop aims to help members understand the basics of our work, messages we want to communicate and how they can contribute to our 2022 priorities.
Time (CET)
10 –  11.30
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Doreen Fedrigo


Litigation as a Tool to Increase Climate Ambition?
Climate litigation cases are on the rise, with States being held accountable for violating international commitments. This workshop will give an overview of the litigation process and consider its role in the wider debate, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, using real-life examples. Time will be given for discussions and questions.
Time (CET)
14 – 15.30
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Rebecca Thiessen (CNCD)
Louise Fournier (Greenpeace International)
Climate litigation lawyer (tbc)
Chair: Harriet MacKaill-Hill


Tuesday 30 November

Developing a joint CAN approach: EU Africa Summit and beyond
This is an external event where CAN African nodes will be invited
At the end of February under the French Presidency of the Council the EU and Africa Union will hold a Summit to launch a new Partnership. 
This session will inform members from CAN European and African nodes on the latest state of play, and then invite their input on proposed policy and advocacy priorities.
This should also be a moment to take cooperation furthermore broadly between the different regional nodes.
Time (CET)
10 – 11.30
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Duccio Tenti (EC), Olumide Abimbola (African Policy Research Institute), Youba Sokona (South Center/IPCC), Elisabeth Hege (IDDRI)
Participation of CAN African nodes representatives
Chair : Tasneem Essop


Financing “Fit for 1.5”: From harmful subsidies to green budgets
The Recovery and Resilience Facility has opened the door to using the criteria of the taxonomy, initially designed to cover private finance, to determine which public spending is green. This meeting’s main objective is to raise awareness among members about recent trends and get their views regarding upcoming opportunities for EU and national influencing work regarding the trillions.
This transition is linked to the European Semester, which opens the door for climate reforms and investments to be more prominent in this process of macroeconomics and budget coordination.
Time (CET)
Trainer / Speaker
14 – 15.15
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Florian Flachenecker (European Commission)
Louise Simon (Climate & Company)
Neil Makaroff (RAC-France)
Olivier Vardakoulias & Isabelle Brachet
(CAN Europe)


Wednesday 1 December

Formal Session
As usual, in our formal session we will discuss and take decissions on issues like the new membership applications or the budget. In this session the new digital members’ area will be presented and we will also have feedback from the strategic sessions discussion on the vision and the 5-year strategy ahead.
Time (CET)
9 – 13
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Josianne Gautier (CIDSE)


Thursday 2 December

How to best engage with the EED and RED?
This interactive session on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), aims to give members working on energy savings and renewable energy
ideas of how to best engage in the respective legislative process. Building on the lobbying the FF55, members will be equipped with the knowledge to lobby their national ministries on an independent basis.
Time (CET)
10 –  11.30
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Verena Bax & Veerle Dossche
(CAN Europe)


Learnings from the IPCC reports
The IPCC finalised the first part of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, in August 2021. In this informative discussion, members will be given an overview and brought up to date on those findings, before exchanging views on communications and best practices.
Time (CET)
14 – 15
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Stefan Singer (CAN International)
Malte Hentschke-Kemper (Klima Allianz, DE)
Violeta Keremidchieva (Za Zemiata, BG)
Chair : Kristina Naunova (CAN Europe)


Friday 3 December

Scenario Building for Paris
As part of CAN Europe’s Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) scenario, a detailed vision of Europe’s energy transition within a collaborative bottom-up process has been developed with more than 150 members and external experts. Members will hear key findings of the 1.5°C pathways project as well as other scenario building activities and discuss and define priorities under the new PAC project 2.0.
Time (CET)
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10 – 11.30
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Michiel Schaeffer (Climate Analytics)
Yves Marignac (Association négaWatt)
Chris Rosslowe (Ember)
Facilitators: Dora Petroula &
Veerle Dossche (CAN Europe)
Moderator: Jörg Mühlenhoff
(CAN Europe)


Exploring Carbon Pricing Options (or mechanisms) in the Western Balkans
Carbon pricing is an important decarbonization mechanism for the WB countries , and it is yet to be introduced in the region. For this purpose we are having this session as a space to discuss and consult CSOs from the region on the best practices and options in order to build a cohesive and sound approach to carbon pricing and policy frameworks in the region.
Time (CET)
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Trainer / Speaker
14.30 – 16
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Viktor Berishaj & Kristina Naunova
(CAN Europe)