Joint response to ACER’s consultation on ENNOH

Energy transition| Europe in transition

On September 23, 2024, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launched a public consultation on the draft statutory documents of the European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH). ACER, tasked with reviewing ENNOH’s draft statutory documents to provide feedback to the European Commission, invited all stakeholders to give their input and comments on the document setting up the functioning, missions, power and rules of procedures of the future association organising the hydrogen transmission operators.

In the analysis of the draft statutory documents, CAN Europe identified some gaps and unclarities regarding the hydrogen needs assessments. ENNOH’s Rules of Procedure need to be reviewed to ensure that renewable hydrogen use is prioritised for hard to electrify sectors only, avoiding the development of inefficient infrastructure, the risk of stranded assets, and the misallocation of public funds.

Additionally, CAN Europe highlights the need for clarity and accountability in the consultation processes with stakeholders, especially by creating spaces for support and capacity building for civil society actors, often underrepresented compared to industry stakeholders. It’s essential to ensure that all concerned stakeholders,  especially independent scientific bodies and consumer protection representatives, are included in the decision making process.

Read here the full input submitted today, October 21, 2024, jointly with E3G, Food and Water Action Europe, Global Witness, IEEFA , Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Bond Beter Leefmilieu.