A Just Transformation call for us all!


In anticipation of the Porto Social Summit on May 7th, CAN Europe is launching the Just Transformation Vision – underpinned by a set of ten key principles guiding just transitions towards a climate-safe, sustainable, equitable and inclusive society.  Our vision for a societal just transformation levels the importance of environmental and social protection. By setting these principles we wish to highlight the irrevocable links between social and environmental goals and the need for a new governance structure, in the framework of the EU’s social rights agenda.

The objectives of the Paris Agreement must lie at the heart of the European Pillar of Social Rights – and delivery of its Action Plan must go hand in hand with bold action to avert catastrophic climate change. We are at a historic moment for our society’s just and green recovery. With the Just Transformation Vision, we propose a holistic, value-based and people-centred approach for a sustainable, just, resilient society in which planetary boundaries are respected. This long-term vision addresses the impacts of climate change and mitigation actions, not only on the existing inequalities, but also on future generations. Today, signatory organisations will join efforts and collaborate to support the implementation of these just transformation principles in delivering the Paris Agreement objectives as well as the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plansaid Elif Gunduzyeli, from Climate Action Network Europe. 

“In view of the current climate crisis and the urgent need to address skyrocketing inequalities within and between countries, it is clear that we need a transformation of our values – to protect our nature and our societies. The set of Just Transformation principles will help guide decision makers and help stakeholder partners to develop concrete actions to deliver these changes. By signing the principles, we call for active recognition towards a holistic approach where social and environmental goals are different sides of the same economic coin”, says Katie Treadwell, from WWF European Policy Office. 

CAN Europe is calling all parties, organisations, groups who see themselves as stakeholders to the societal just transformation, to endorse the Just Transformation Vision by signing the ten principles that will guide structured collaborations in the run up to the  COP26 in November. This will pave the way for working together, with a wide range of diverse actors, for a sustainable future that can be shaped with and for people.


1. Define a long-term vision for socio-economic and environmental resilience, with binding interim milestones and targets.

2.  Implement transformative actions through detailed and comprehensive roadmaps developed inclusively with and for all stakeholders.

3. Recognize social partners as key actors for social dialogue and collective bargaining in industries, enterprises and sectors. 

4. Build resilience through sustainable economic diversification, aligning social goals with climate objectives and environmental protection.

5. Integrate the gender perspective into all the policies, plans and projects for the just transition.

6. Tackle inequalities in quality of life, environment and access to opportunities, and injustices caused by climate change and its drivers

7. Leverage and reallocate fairly financial resources from public and private sectors to foster social and environmental resilience.

8. Plan locally to transform globally while rebuilding the society.

9. Embed sustainable development goals and circularity in production and consumption.

10. Tailor and provide direct support for just transitions in developing countries.

Read the FULL VERSION version of the Just Transformation Vision featuring a list of organisations who have endorsed the Vision

Read the PR from ZERO, our Portuguese member and partner



Elif Gündüzyeli, Senior Energy Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe, elif /at/ caneurope.org 

Masha Perovic, Communications Coordinator for SEE, CAN Europe, masha /at/ cnaeurope.org m: +381638411566