Joint Letter: Last call for higher EU 2030 renewable energy target



Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President, European Green Deal

Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy

MEP Markus Pieper, Rapporteur for the Renewable Energy Directive (RED)

Deputy Permanent Representatives


Support the target of “at least 45%” renewable energy for 2030: lead the charge for a safe, sustainable and affordable energy future


We, city and citizen networks, NGOs, business leaders and renewable energy associations call on the negotiators of the Renewable Energy Directive, to step up and have the EU lead the charge on the global energy transition by setting a binding EU renewable energy target of at least 45% by 2030.

At this critical moment in the midst of a climate crisis and energy insecurity, increasing our ambition for renewable energy is the solution that will benefit people and businesses alike. Significant investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency will deliver permanent cuts to energy bills, secure our energy supply, mitigate climate change and create local quality jobs.

The proposed 40% renewable energy target is outdated , and does not reflect the current trilemma of rising energy costs, energy insecurity and worsening climate events that Europeans now must endure.

• A 45% target would cut gas imports in half, compared to 40%: from 236 bcm to 118 bcm
• Reduced gas imports means a saving of €200 billion for the EU by 2030
• Scaling up renewables faster saves an additional €76 billion in energy systems costs
• 45% prevents annual emissions from Europe by the equivalent of 455 metric tons of CO2 (equivalent to the annual emissions of France)

The EU is on course to reach at least 45% renewables by 2030. Businesses are acting now. From multinationals to SMEs, businesses are already increasing their investments and putting more resources into renewable energy and stand ready to step up these efforts. Citizens and local governments are also contributing their part in increasing renewables production and reinforcing local security of supply. Sticking with a low target risks killing the momentum of Europe’s energy transition.

We can no longer afford governments to compromise on our energy future, a future where the EU has the opportunity to demonstrate its leadership on climate action and become a front runner for the global energy transition. A clear signal needs to be given during the final negotiations of the Renewable Energy Directive. Policymakers must commit to a binding EU target of at least 45% renewables for 2030 with the willingness to move beyond this target and exceed expectations.

This commitment to a higher target will be one of the key milestones to guarantee security, affordability and sustainability for Europeans and set a strong example for the international community to follow suit.

We count on your leadership.



CAN Europe, Chiara Martinelli, Director
CDP-Disclosure Insight Action Europe, Mirjam Wolfrum, Director Policy Engagement
Climate Group, Helen Clarkson, CEO
Corporate Leaders Group Europe, Ursula Woodburn, Director
Energy Cities, Claire Roumet, Director
European Environmental Bureau, Patrick ten Brink, Secretary General
European Renewable Energies Federation, Dörte Fouquet, Director
E3G- Third Generation Environmentalism, Nick Mabey, CEO
REScoop, Dirk Vansintjan, President
SolarPower Europe, Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO