Letter to Board of Green Climate Fund: Call for categorical exclusion of export credit agencies

Climate Action Network Europe co-signed a letter to the board members of the Green Climate Fund calling for categorical exclusion of export credit agencies (ECA).

Dear Members and Alternate Members of the Board –

We are writing to state our unequivocal opposition to the accreditation of any export credit agency (ECA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). By design, ECAs are meant to promote exports and job creation in the home country rather than the recipient country. Whether from a developed or developing country, their accreditation would thus be inconsistent with — and may be in direct conflict with — the mission and core principles of the GCF, including promoting country ownership, local sustainable development benefits, the efficient use of GCF resources, and the Fund’s international competitive bidding requirements.

We note that this issue, which was deferred from the last Board meeting, is expected to be raised once again with the consideration of accreditation proposals at the upcoming GCF meeting October 12-14. We thus urge the Board to adopt a decision at its 14th meeting to categorically exclude export credit agencies from accreditation by the GCF.

Thank you for your consideration,

350.org East Asia, Japan

ActionAid USA

ARA, Germany

Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development, Regional

Bolivian Platform on Climate Change, Bolivia

Both ENDS, Netherlands

Bureau for Regional Outreach Campaigns, Russia


Carbon Market Watch, Belgium

CEE Bankwatch, Czech Republic

Censat Agua Viva, Colombia

Center for Biological Diversity, USA

Center for International Environmental Law, USA

Center for Participatory Research and Development, Bangladesh

Centre for Nature Conservation and Development, Cameroon

Change Partnership, Belgium

Climate Action Network – International

Climate Action Network Europe

Climate and Sustainable Development Network, Nigeria

Climate Change Network Nigeria

CNCD-11.11.11,        Belgium

Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Peru

Digo Bikas Institute, Nepal

Ecologistas en Acción, Spain

Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria

Fern, Belgium

Finance & Trade Watch,         Austria

Focus Association for Sustainable Development,          Slovenia

Forest Peoples Programme, UK

Friends Committee on National Legislation, USA

Friends of the Earth Australia

Friends of the Earth Canada

Friends of the Earth Malaysia

Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone

Friends of the Earth U.S.

GAIA – Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, International

GegenStroeumng – CounterCurrent, Germany

Gender Action, USA

Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative, Nigeria

Germanwatch, Germany

Global Forest Coalition, Global (offices in Paraguay and Netherlands)

Green Development Advocates, Cameroon

Heinrich Böll Siftung, North America

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Switzerland

Hivos, Netherlands

Human Rights Forum, India

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, USA

Institute for Policy Studies, USA

Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), Latin America

Jubilee Debt Campaign, UK

KAMP (Campaign for a Life of Dignity), Philippines

Kitanglad Integrated NGOs, Philippines

Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission (KOO), Austria

Korea Federation for Environmental Movements, South Korea

Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre, Nigeria

Les Amis de la Terre France/Friends of the Earth France

Les Amis de la Terre Togo

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, USA

MISEREOR – the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation, Germany

Mom Loves Taiwan Association, Taiwan

NGO Forum on ADB, Philippines

Nuclear Information and Resource Service, USA

Oil Change International, USA


Pakaid, Pakistan

Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, Africa

ParyavaranMitra, India

Pax Natura Foundation, USA

Physicians for Social Responsibility- Philadelphia, USA

Polski Klub Ekologiczny, Poland

Practical Action, UK

Réseau Action Climat – France

Réseau Climat & Développement, France

Re:Common, Italy

Reacción Climática, Bolivia

REFACOF (African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests), Cameroon

Sahabat Alam Malaysia         

Sierra Club, USA

Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, Sudan

Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, USA

Sustainable Population Australia

Tebtebba, Philippines

The Corner House, UK

The Development Institute, Ghana

Urgewald, Germany

Utah Moms for Clean Air, USA

WomanHealth Philippines

WWF Switzerland

Zero Waste Europe, Belgium