National Climate and Energy Plans: Building block for implementing the EU’s increased climate ambition

On 17 September 2020, the European Commission has published its assessment on the ambition levels in final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP). This is an important exercise as National Energy and Climate
Plans are required to describe, in an integrated manner, the Member States’ climate and energy objectives, targets, policies and measures for the period from 2021 to 2030 and to deliver a minimum ambition level set by the EU’s current climate and energy legislation.

In view of the in depth analysis of the Commission on NECPs, in this briefing document, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe and ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System – reiterate their recommendations from the report “PAVE THE WAY FOR INCREASED CLIMATE AMBITION : Opportunities and Gaps in the final National Energy and Climate Plans” in order to describe how the NECPs can contribute to
implementing higher climate and energy targets in the EU. This briefing paper also adds on the country assessments of the report previously published by CAN Europe and ZERO, and includes opportunities and gaps for the final Bulgarian, German and Irish NECPs.

Download the document here :  NECPs building block for higher climate ambition