NGO statement urging Turkish decision makers to step up at COP24

More than 25 NGOs working in Turkey released a joint statement urging Turkish decision makers to focus on raising ambition, and reaping the benefits of a low-carbon just transition at COP24.

The Turkish delegation’s priority negotiation topic for COP24 is to exit the list of developed countries in the Annex I to the convention — the group of developed countries that are expected to contribute more in climate financing and emission reductions. This demand was raised in previous COPs and is now added as an official discussion point on the COP24 agenda.

Civil society representatives active in Turkey, including CAN Europe, believe that it is crucial for the country to approach the UN Climate Summits with a broader presence. Therefore, they ask the Turkish government to immediately step up, take the leadership flag in global climate efforts and ratify the Paris Agreement, and strengthen its climate pledges.

NGO statement Turkish decision makers COP24