Open letter to the ITRE Committee on coal subsidies through EU ETS

3 networks and 21 organizations representing almost 50 million citizens across Europe, called on Members of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament to vote for an ambitious revision of the EU’s Emission Trading System (EU ETS) that supports a rapid phase out of fossil fuels, in particular coal.

The revision of the EU ETS provides a great opportunity to put a halt to coal subsidies. Consequently, the undersigned organisations, call on the MEPs to adopt amendments that:

  1. Deliver a meaningful carbon price to phase out coal;
  2. Exclude investments in both new and existing coal energy from Art 10c and the Modernisation Fund;
  3. Exclude investments in coal powered district heating and co-generation from Art. 10c and the Modernisation Fund.

Open letter to the ITRE Committee on coal subsidies through EU ETS


Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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