One step closer to adapting to climate change in Europe

Today’s launch of The European Climate Adaptation Platform (CLIMATE- ADAPT), potentially opens a new era in EU Adaptation policies. This platform marks a continuation of the process which began in 2009 with the EU’s White paper on Adaptation. Of the four key areas of focus from the White Paper, this tool is the first to be fleshed out. (1)

The platform will be an essential tool for information sharing and resource exchange on adaptive measures and projects. “This is an important and timely first step, which should lead to EU policy measures on Adaptation. There is a gap of decisive policy action on climate adaptation in Europe. This shortcoming is especially more glaring given how much has been done in the area of mitigation and emissions reductions. In protecting society and people from the impacts of climate change both areas must be given equal attention.” Stated Karim Harris Deputy Director CAN-Europe.

The CLIMATE-ADAPT platform stems from a lengthy and wide-ranging stakeholder consultation process that has led to this successful outcome. It will help users to access, disseminate and integrate information on:

– Expected climate change in Europe

– The vulnerability of regions, countries and sectors now and in the future

– Information on national, regional and transnational adaptation activities and strategies and much more.

While today’s launch is focused on EU domestic adaptation measures, it cannot be forgotten that on a global scale Europe does not rank among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. “The proposed next step in this process must address and ensure measures are taken towards mainstreaming climate adaptation into EU affairs with 3rd countries and be backed up with the finance needed for these efforts.” Stated Karim Harris, Deputy Director CAN-Europe. The EU’s Adaptation Strategy, due in 2013, will therefore be a key test to ensure the long-term viability of what is launched today.



(1) The 2009 White Paper provides a framework for adaptation measures and policies in the EU. Its 4 key areas of focus are:

• building a stronger knowledge base since sound data is vital in the development of climate policy

• taking climate change impacts into consideration in key EU policies

• financing climate change policy measures

• supporting wider international efforts on adaptation by helping for example non-EU countries to improve their resilience and capacity to adapt to climate change.



Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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