REACTION: EU Council’s failure to endorse CSDDD is a major setback on corporate accountability

Today’s failure of the EU Council to endorse the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD, marks a deplorable setback for corporate accountability and the protection of Human Rights and the environment worldwide.

Jennifer Kwao, Trade & Corporate Accountability Campaigns Officer at CAN Europe said:
“The Council let the voice of a minority steamroll over the wishes of European citizens. The German FDP’s campaign against CSDDD and France’s last-minute attempt to water down the text not only undermined the EU’s democratic process but has foiled years-long efforts to enact binding due diligence obligations that are supported by companies, citizens, and Member States. We need EU companies to truly contribute to the green and social transition and, more importantly, take responsibility for the environmental and human rights violations they cause. The EU Member States failed to take a collective step in the right direction and deliver a concrete answer to the most impacted and at-risk communities.”

See the Joint Civil Society Statement reacting to the lack of majority in COREPER on CSDDD signed by more than 130 European organisations.

For more information and media requests:

Jani Savolainen, Communications Coordinator