REPowerEU: A closing window for energy democratisation

Energy transition

This briefing calls on policymakers to strengthen citizen participation in the energy transition through the ongoing revision of the recovery and resilience plans and drafting of the REPowerEU chapters. 

All Member States should have submitted and published their updated recovery plans by the end of April 2023. However, the process has been delayed as most countries are still drafting and/or have not formally submitted their REPowerEU chapters to the European Commission. Meanwhile, some Member States are also amending their initial recovery plans in the light of the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine. This additional time is a window of opportunity for Member States to increase support for energy communities in their national plans. Importantly, countries that have not yet included dedicated budget lines for energy communities in their plans can do so. 

The briefing is co-authored by CEE Bankwatch,, CAN-Europe and Energy Cities. 

REPowerEU: A closing window for energy democratisation