Repowering for the People: Flagship actions the Commission’s plan ‘REPowerEU’ should feature in the current fossil fuel and energy prices crisis

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exposed the fossil fuel crisis more than ever. In addition to the current level of climate emergency, we are experiencing a paradigm shift on the scale of needed energy transition. The timeframe for enhanced action came closer: immediate actions now must give fruits very quickly to stop Russian gas dependence and achieve 1.5°C-aligned 2030 climate targets.

If adequate measures to implement CAN Europe’s Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) scenario are taken without delay, the slump in fossil gas demand by 2025 will already equal the total amount of fossil gas imports from Russia to the EU in the year 2021. The EU’s ‘REPowerEU’ communication published in March indicates that full implementation of the ‘Fit for 55’ climate and energy legislative proposals would lower our gas consumption by 30%, by 2030. 

The PAC scenario indicates that it is possible to wean off Russian gas in only four years, without additional gas imports from elsewhere with more ambitious action to curb energy demand, ramp up sustainable renewables and roll out flexibility options while still achieving a complete fossil gas phase out in 2035.

Ahead of the European Commission’s publication of its new energy plan in a few weeks, CAN Europe presents three flagship initiatives which the ‘REPowerEU’ should feature to accelerate a secure and just energy transition. These flagship initiatives are guided by CAN Europe’s Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) scenario.  They should be implemented immediately through integrated funding support. These are to achieve an annual growth of at least:

  • 5 million building unit renovations in 2025 
  • 5 million new solar PV rooftops in 2025 
  • 5 million new heat pumps in 2025 

Download the policy briefing here