Submission to ENTSO-E consultation on Visions 2030

Climate Action Network Europe, representing over 120 environmental and development NGOs, welcomes ENTSO-E efforts to develop a long-term vision in line with the European initiatives on an energy and climate policy framework. Bridging the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and the future planning of the European power grid with the European Commission’s long-term energy vision for a decarbonized power system is of high relevance.

We also welcome the efforts to increase stakeholder involvement in the process, making it more transparent, accessible and robust. Finally, we welcome the ambition of ENTSO-E to move away from a bottom-up methodology, based on national views in order to adopt a truly European and optimized approach. We recognise that progress has been achieved in all these areas but we are concerned that current efforts still fall short of meeting EU policy renewable energy and climate objectives and expected stakeholder involvement. This response builds on concerns previously communicated in December 2012, explained in a joint-paper from industry and NGO representatives, comments made during three dedicated workshops organized in 2012 and 2013, as well as concerns expressed in the Long Term Network Development stakeholders group, where CAN Europe is involved.

This response also builds on the recently published data behind their 4 visions/scenarios, which can be found on the ENTSO-E website.

Download CAN Europe response to the ENTSO-E consultation on Visions 2030 (sept 13))


Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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