Submission to regulate maritime emissions

CAN Europe believes that addressing shipping emissions in the EU is long overdue.

Emissions from the maritime sector are large and growing fast, yet they are not regulated under a global regime. Shipping is also the only sector the EU has not included in its own efforts to decarbonise the economy. The IMO has been mandated by the UNFCCC to address shipping emissions on a global basis but has failed to do so after nearly 15 years. According to the EU ETS Directive and the Effort Sharing Decision the EU should include maritime sector emissions in its overall 20% commitment in the absence of an international agreement by the end of 2011.

CAN Europe believes that addressing shipping emissions in the EU is long overdue. We urge the EC to propose a measure for EU shipping that takes account of developments at IMO, avoids incidence on Least Developed Countries, and is designed in a way that can develop into a global system.The EU measure should also incorporate global climate finance objectives by allocating automatically at least 50% of revenues to the Green Climate Fund.

Download  CAN Europe submission on maritime emissions (April 2012)