CAN Europe made a submission on the European Commission’s Consultation a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020.
Download Submission to public consultation on a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020
CAN Europe made a submission on the European Commission’s Consultation a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020.
Download Submission to public consultation on a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020
On September 3, 2024, the European Commission launched a public consultation seeking input to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of the EU framework on energy security. This framework is composed
On September 27, 2024, the European Commission opened a public consultation on the methodology to determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings of low-carbon fuels, which ends today, October 25,
On September 23, 2024, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launched a public consultation on the draft statutory documents of the European Network of Network Operators
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CAN Europe empowers civil society organisations to influence the design and development of effective climate change policy in Europe, both in the European Union as well as in its Member States and in European countries outside the EU.
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