Report launch: This is Climate Change in Europe

Climate action

CAN Europe has just launched an exciting new publication, This is Climate Change in Europe. It brings together dozens of sources ranging from the IPCC, national adaptation plans, UN studies, official NATO documents and many more to provide, for the first time, a summary of current and pending climate impacts in Europe, on a country-by-country basis. 

The latest IPCC report offers again a stark reminder of the risks of a warming world: all regions are facing negative impacts on people’s lives and health, our planet and our prosperity. Europe and the rest of the developed world cannot continue to ignore the impacts of climate change, as extreme weather events are no longer restricted to far off, exotic places. This report brings that point home, outlining impacts happening or already in the pipeline in each European country. CAN Europe’s colourful new publication highlights the climate impacts hitting Europe from a variety of perspectives, including ecological, health and food security, discussing the latest science, climate impacts in different sectors and foreseen loss and damage related to climate change in various European regions.

The publication is available for download



EU Parliament Scoreboard​: Protectors, Procrastinators & Prehistoric Thinkers

New in-depth data research from five leading climate and environment organisations reveals that only a minority of MEPs during the 2019 – 2024 mandate acted to protect Europe’s climate, nature and air quality. The majority of MEPs acted instead as either procrastinators or prehistoric thinkers, delaying real action with patchy and inconsistent voting records, or worse, completely failing to rise to the challenge of the crises Europe is facing.

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