Briefing: Unlocking energy savings and advancing the decarbonisation in buildings and heating


Making Europe more energy secure and ensuring an ambitious and just energy transition, that puts energy savings first in the switch to a fully renewable energy system, will need to focus on the areas that can spur a real system change, while paving the way towards a resilient economy in view of our 2030 goals. The fulfilment of the latter is instrumental to achieve the 1.5 C° Paris Agreement goal, which translates into the achievement of climate neutrality by 2040.

Against this background, it seems clear that the next European institutions will need to take a strong leadership in outlining the best policies and initiatives to use and produce energy more efficiently, and save energy for the benefit of the climate and society. There is also the possibility to make our buildings and the way we use them, like heating or cooling, more affordable and fully renewables-based.

As less than a decade separates us from our 2030 goals, we need to substantially scale up climate action in terms of both ambition levels and inclusiveness across all segments of the society, to make the energy transition happen on the ground. This briefing aims at outlining CAN Europe’s demands for the next EU cycle, where its future policies and measures will need to deliver substantial energy savings across all end-use sectors, with a specific attention given to buildings, and heating decarbonisation.

Briefing: Unlocking energy savings and advancing the decarbonisation in buildings and heating