Vision: A European Union that Advances a Fair and Just Transition

The European Alliance for a Just Transition brings together around 50 European stakeholders working for a sustainable future, including social, climate and environmental civil society organisations, workers’ representatives, think tanks and progressive political parties, groups and foundations. The group shares a common objective for a fair and just green transition: to transform our economies and societies in ways that respect planetary boundaries and improve the well-being, living standards and working conditions of all people.

A fair and just green transition is essential to effectively address these multifaceted and interconnected global crises. In this document, the Alliance presents its vision for a European Union that prioritises and advances a fair and just transition throughout the 2024-2029 political cycle and beyond.

Our vision is of a Union that:

  1. Ensures the green transition leads to prosperity for all, with a strong focus on reducing socio-economic inequalities.
  2. Advances ambitious and forward-looking climate, environmental and social agendas in a coordinated, coherent and mutually reinforcing manner.
  3. Applies and promotes proactive decision-making for a fair and just transition and makes substantial investments to support it.
  4. Puts social, climate and environmental objectives at the heart of all its internal and external actions and investments to foster a truly sustainable society.