Briefing on the Energy Union
Towards a resilient Energy Union with a forward looking Climate Change policy. This paper is intended to present some initial NGO views on the issue.
Towards a resilient Energy Union with a forward looking Climate Change policy. This paper is intended to present some initial NGO views on the issue.
Early review of INDCs key to success for the Paris negotiations The Ministers attending the high-level segment of the UN climate talks in Paris starting today need to ensure that
In the climate policy world, all eyes go to the ongoing UN-led negotiations and the ucpoming COP21 in Paris. Nevertheless, 2016 will also be a crucial year for climate as
Without substantial reform of its Emissions Trading System, Europe cannot seriously claim a leadership role at the international negotiations in and after Paris, writes Anja Kollmuss of Climate Action Network Europe.
The Energy Union package has not lived up to expectations to accelerate a shift to a fossil fuel free economy in the EU so far, according to Climate Action Network
Climate Action Network Europe background briefingWhy an effective Adequacy Review of current INDCs by 2018 is necessary Review.pdf
The EU is not fulfilling its commitment to reduce emissions in line with the requirements of science and fairness. There is still a big gap between what it will take
The current emission reduction pledges that governments have put put forward are inadequate to keep global warming below the 2°C threshold agreed. What is currently on the table will lead
One year since the entry into office of the current European Commission headed by Jean-Claude Juncker, environmental groups have criticised the EU executive for a paralysis in policymaking on issues
The report assessing countries’ contributions to the Paris climate agreement released today by the UNFCCC sets off alarm bells for all governments to strengthen current, inadequate climate targets before they
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