“Together for 100% Renewable Europe: Prosperous. Sustainable. For everyone”
Shaping Tomorrow's Resilient and Renewable Energy System: It Starts at Home
The energy system of tomorrow is primarily electrified, digital and flexible, harnessing 100% renewable energy. This system will fully optimise high renewables generation through balancing out supply and demand in a more efficient manner, and allow people to control their energy production and consumption. Households will play a vital role in this system as a source of demand side flexibility by shifting how and when they use electricity thanks to digital technologies, storage, incentives, accessible energy services and tariffs. This shift will reduce household energy costs, enhance energy security and resilience.

Overview of Renewable Energy Spatial Planning and Designation of Acceleration Areas in Selected EU Member States
In line with the publication of the European Commission’s Guidance on designating renewables acceleration areas, the Oeko Institute, CAN Europe, WWF EU, Birdlife Europe and the

UPDATED: Rooftop Solar PV Country Comparison Report
The purpose of this update is to evaluate and report on the progress made by Member States in the deployment and facilitation of household rooftop

Briefing: Future proofing Central Eastern Europe’s grids
Click here for the full report CAN Europe’s latest briefing explores the opportunities and challenges within the Central Eastern European region when it comes to

Briefing: Fairer and faster permitting for a successful European renewable energy transition
CAN Europe’s latest briefing provides an overview of permitting related policy and regulatory landscape. The briefing offers insights into implementation of the most recent permitting

Joint Letter: An EU-solar mandate for a resilient energy system and efficient buildings
In a joint letter, 18 organisations from across the economy, including NGOs and city representatives, the construction, EV, and renewable heating sectors, and flexibility service providers,

Recommendations for an ambitious EU-wide solar mandate
Now more than ever, there is a strong public demand within EU countries to embrace a solar revolution. As national governments are now scrambling to

Communities for RES – Energy Communities in Central Eastern Europe
In response to the current energy crisis and looming climate emergency, many citizens and communities across Europe are looking towards establishing their own energy community

Op-ed: How rooftop solar PV can help turn the gas valves off
Citizens’ demand for rooftop solar photovoltaics is rapidly increasing, and governments should intervene through incentives and better permitting procedures, writes Seda Orhan. The new EU

Open Letter – Call for a massive increase of solar energy with citizens and communities at the heart
An open letter sent to the Heads of State in Central Eastern Europe from civil society organisations in Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and the

Joint NGO statement: Protecting nature and fighting climate change must go hand in hand
Biodiversity loss and climate change are both driven by our economic activities and mutually reinforce each other. Climate change is further exacerbated by biodiversity loss

NGOs demand a fully renewable energy system by 2040 in Europe
CAN EUROPE CALL TO ACTION 20 October 2021, Brussels NGOs demand a fully renewable energy system by 2040 in Europe Governments must secure unparalleled and

NGOs call ahead of COP26: Unprecedented solar and wind energy surge is needed to stabilise climate
PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 20th of October – Europe needs an unparalleled rollout of wind and solar energy to avoid worsening climate breakdown, according to a
Stories of Hope & Power
Sun is hope, wind is power. There are already great initiatives on the ground driving the transition towards renewables. From community energy projects to investments in transition from coal to renewables, or from wind park tourism to government programs supporting prosumers, here are stories from across Europe, known and maybe lesser known.

Sunny Shorts: Vamos! It’s time for Spain’s renewable revolution
In the next blog of our sunny short series, Sara Pizzinato from Greenpeace España writes on how we need renewables, but we have to do it right! A 100% renewable Spain can only be achieved through accelerating both offshore and onshore renewable energy. When it comes to developing renewable energy on land and in the sea, it is important that public participation and the protection of nature are key priorities in the planning process.