“We should aim for climate neutrality by 2040 within a 100% RES based EU energy system with demand reduction as a key driver so as to remain below the 1.5°C threshold. It is necessary, feasible and beneficial” – Dimitris Tsekeris, Energy Scenarios Project Manage
CAN Europe’s Paris Agreement Compatible Energy Scenario (PAC) 2.0 is our vision and proof of concept for a fully renewables based energy system based on ambitious energy savings by 2040.
Data from PAC 2.0 scenarios started to be benchmarked by civil society organisations and research institutes. Early in 2023, CAN Europe held a joint webinar with European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC) and members which focused on how climate neutrality could be achieved by 2040. This event was attended by approximately 140 participants and was followed up by several internal and external capacity building events.
CAN Europe was accepted to the Stakeholder Reference Group, where we can actively help to shape European long-term energy infrastructure scenarios and ensure the future Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) is aligned with the needs of a 100% renewables based energy system.