Legambiente, Italy

The Wind Park Tourism project promotes the discovery of special territories through a guide to raise awareness of unique and little-known territories, that are today one of the most interesting laboratories for the energy transition. The idea of a tourist guide for the wind farms in Italy was imagined to give the chance to visit closely these modern machines that generate energy from the wind and to discover some truly beautiful areas, off the beaten track of the more frequented tourist routes. Renewable sources are the best way to finally free our energy production from dependence on coal, oil and gas, which are responsible for climate change. But an important issue we have to face is how to integrate these sources into the landscape. Promoting Wind Tourism is Legambiente’s main goal for the making of this guide, the eleven wind farms chosen by Legambiente show that these challenges can be addressed and resolved with the support of local communities and that it’s possible to find innovative and interesting ways to enhance local resources.

More information: https://parchidelvento.it/en

Contact details: Edoardo Zanchini, Legambiente