Call upon CEE leaders to support climate ambition in European Council

Today over 180 civil society actors, businesses, youth organisations and, local and regional initiatives from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) call on their governments to catch the wave of the European Green Deal, ahead of the European Council next week where EU governments will discuss the new EU 2030 climate target.

Prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria received today a letter of appeal, signed by a broad regional coalition of civil society actors, calling to raise the EU’s 2030 climate ambition, ensure social justice and improve the state of the environment, economy, and health.

CEE governments are invited to adopt a forward-looking vision and see enhanced climate action as an opportunity to address the health, economic, social, and climate change crises at the same time.

This call for climate ambition also takes place on the eve of an important vote of the European Parliament on the European Climate Law, where MEPs will adopt their final position on the EU’s 2030 climate target.

Wendel Trio, director of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe said: “This appeal echoes the voices of an increasing number of citizens concerned about the dramatic consequences of climate change in Central and Eastern Europe. Ambitious climate action will allow CEE leaders to reduce the costs of extreme weather events, clean up the air, modernise their economies, and create plenty of quality jobs altogether.”

By the end of the year, all EU heads of state and government must agree on the new EU 2030 climate target, as required by the Paris Agreement. To contribute to the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement and prevent dangerous climate change, the EU must commit to 65% emission cuts by 2030.

Central Eastern Europe is already strongly impacted by climate change such as extreme weather events, floods, droughts, shortages in water, and particular regions being threatened by desertification, which translates into massive economic constraints. These impacts should cause the EU as a whole welfare losses of 175 billion EUR per year.

Studies also found that investing in greening the economies provides three times more jobs than in fossil fuels.


Press contacts:

Bulgaria – Radostina Slavkova, ЕА Za Zemiata/ Friends of the Earth-Bulgaria, Coordinator “Climate and Energy”, mob.: + 359 899 670 416, e-mail:
Czech Rep. – Michaela Pixova, Climate Coalition, Komunikační koordinátorka Klimatické koalice, mob.: +420 777 145 003,
Hungary – Alexa Botar, NSC-Friends of the Earth Hungary, climate and energy program coordinator, mob.: +36 70 340-8997, email:
Poland – Urszula Stefanowicz, Polish Climate Coalition, mob.: +48 692 243 793, e-mail:, Anna Ogniewska, Senior policy officer, Greenpeace Polska, mob.: +48 506 124 689, e-mail:
Romania – Raul Cazan, 2CELSIUS, President,, mob.: +32 477 088 725, +40 731 001 248, e-mail:
Slovakia – Liliana Rástocká, Slovak Climate Initiative, koordinátorka, Slovenská klimatická iniciatíva, mob.: +421 904 798 870, e-mail:

Notes to editors:

Links to the national versions of the press release:
Czech Rep.:
Romania (appeal):

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. With over 170 member organisations active in 38 European countries, representing over 1.500 NGOs and more than 47million citizens, CAN Europe promotes sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.


Regulitis, really?

Written by Yelter Bollen, Policy expert Climate & Financing at Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Greg Van Elsen, Policy Lead on Clean Industrial Deal at CAN

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