Zero poverty, zero emissions: EU must step up action for climate-just development, say civil society groups

Global transition

With the opening of the European Development Days (EDD) in Brussels today, European development and environmental groups are urging the EU to take more ambitious actions in the fight against climate change.

ACT Alliance, CARE, CAN Europe, CIDSE, Oxfam, World Future Council and WWF have joined forces to host a thematic booth at the EDDs with the message: “1.5°C – Zero poverty, Zero emissions”. A human-sized walking Eiffel Tower will be present to remind the EU of its responsibility to pursue policies and actions at home and abroad that are consistent with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Bruno Nicostrate, Climate Change Advocacy Officer at ACT Alliance EU: “The window of opportunity to keep global warming below 1.5°C is rapidly closing. Just a few more years to prevent irreversible loss and damage which will annihilate the progress made so far. The Sustainable Development Goals will only be achieved if the richest countries and the development sector integrate this temperature limit in their policies and practices today.”

Maeve McLynn, Finance and Subsidies Policy Coordinator at CAN Europe: “If the EU is truly committed to solidarity on climate change with its partners in developing countries, it must scale up climate action at home. This should result in higher targets for emissions reduction, renewable energy and energy efficiency.”

Sven Harmeling, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator CARE International: “Keeping within the 1.5°C global warming limit is a matter of survival for many vulnerable countries. Science tells us that beyond that level, irreversible impacts will reach more dangerous levels, leading to higher sea-level rise, reduced crop yields and more heatwaves. The poorest people, often marginalised women and girls, will be hit hardest, a grave injustice.”

Giulia Bondi, Climate Justice & Energy Officer CIDSE:  “If we as a global society are going to keep the temperature rise below 1.5°C, we must increase efforts to make renewable energy systems affordable and accessible, both here in the North and in the Global South. Policymakers need to follow the example of citizens who are already making this radical shift and support grassroots initiatives that are innovative and democratic”.

Marc Olivier-Herman, Oxfam’s EU Economic Justice Policy Lead: “Less developed countries urgently need financial support to help them adapt to ever-more extreme weather and develop on a low carbon footing. The EU and its member states must put their money where their mouth is and increase the budget for global climate action.” –

Anna Leidreiter, Senior Programme Manager Climate Energy, World Future Council: “Sustainable development can only be reached by transitioning to 100% Renewable Energy. The most climate vulnerable countries are in fact pioneering the energy transition as a way to implement zero poverty and zero emissions. A new report by the World Future Council and Bread for the World shows how 100% RE helps achieving all SDGs.”

Sally Nicholson, Head of Development Policy and Finance, WWF European Policy Office: “The EU talks a good game on climate action, but can it follow through? The fate of millions of people hinges on the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda being urgently translated from words into deeds. This is the only way we can be sure to improve the wellbeing and prosperity of everyone, everywhere.”

Booth location:

Stand 64 in the EDD Global Village 

Photos for media use:

Photos for media use will be available during the EDD here.

Media contacts:

ACT Alliance EU

Bruno Nicostrate, Climate Change Advocacy Officer

Mobile: +32 484 024 684


Kelly Di Domenico, Media and Communications Officer

Mobile: +32 491 39 54 75

CAN Europe

Ania Drążkiewicz, Communications Coordinator

Work: +32 2894 4675

Mobile: +32 494 525 738

CARE International

Sven Harmeling, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator

Mobile: +49 177 6136431


Florian Oel, Media & Communications Officer

Work: +32-2-234 11 15

Mobile +32-473-56 22 60


Sarah Azau, Senior Communications Officer

Mobile +32 473 57 31 37

World Future Council (WFC)

Miriam Petersen, Media & Communications Manager

Mob.: +49 1573 8640 577


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